Virginia Alternative Assessment Resource Collection

This is the place where you submit "Alternative Assessment" resources you have created (and used with your students) to share with other teachers around Virginia.

What is an Alternative Assessment?

Alternative Assessments are those assessments that do not use the typical short answer format found in multiple choice tests. They delve deeper into student learning and require the student to apply what they have learned. This can be as simple as creating a bookmark to reflect the theme of a story or as complex as putting together a documentary on an historical event.

Find Alternative Assessment Resources

If you want to find Alternative Assessment resources others have already submitted, please visit eMediaVA. If you're not sure if you have an eMediaVA account, please check with your local eMediaVA account administrator. A list can be found here.

Once you have logged into eMediaVA, click on Library. Open up your filters. Choose Virginia Alternative Assessment Resource Collection from the Publisher dropdown menu. You will then find the alternative assessments that have been submitted.